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Larsen.etal:2011 Larsen, Poul Klenz; Brajer, I. (2011): The salt-damaged wall paintings in Stroeby Church, Denmark. In: Ionannou, Ioannis; Theodoridou, Magdalini (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Conference "Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures", Limassol, Cyprus, 19.-22. Oct. 2011, 105-112, 10.5165/hawk-hhg/saltwiki/32.
Larsen:1996 Larsen, Poul Klenz (1996): Moisture absorption and transfer through brick contaminated with with sodium chloride. In:: Le dessalement des materiaux poreux: 7es journees d'etudes de la SFIIC, Poitiers, 9-10 mai 1996, SFIIC, 33-41.
Larsen:1998 Larsen, Poul Klenz (1998): Desalination of painted brick vaults: h.D.-thesis from The Technical University of Denmark, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, October 1998. Dissertation, Technical University of Denmark, Kopenhagen
Larsen:2000a Larsen, Poul Klenz (2000): Salt damage to the medieval plaster on a vault in Fanefjord Church. In: Bartos, P.; Groot, C.; Hughes, J. J. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop: Historic Mortars : Characteristics and Tests,RILEM Publications, Cachan 43-50.
Larsen:2001 Larsen, Poul Klenz (2001): The Development and Testing of a Salt Extracting Mortar. In: Internationale Zeitschrift für Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege, 7 (1), 79-90, Webadresse
Larsen:2002 Larsen, Poul Klenz (2002): The Use of Passive Climate Control to Prevent Salt decay in Rørby Church. In: von Konow, Thorborg (Hrsg.): The Study of Salt Deterioration Mechanisms. Decay of Brick Walls influenced by interior Climate Changes, European Heritage laboratories, Raphael, , 103-107.
Larsen:2004 Larsen, Poul Klenz (2004): Moisture measurements in Tirsted Church. In: Journal of Architectural Conservation, 10 (1), 22-35
Larsen:2007 Larsen, Poul Klenz (2007): Climate Control in Danish churches. In: Padfield, Tim; Borchersen , Karen (Hrsg.): Museum Microclimates. Proceedings of the Conference in Copenhagen 19-23 November 2007, National Museum, Kopenhagen, 167-174.
Larsen:2007b Larsen, Poul Klenz (2007): The salt decay of medieval bricks in the vault in Brarup Church, Denmark. In: Environmental Geology, 52 (2), 375-383, Webadresse
Larsen:2008 Larsen, Poul Klenz (2008): Weathering at the Cathedral in Kirkjubøer, The Faroe Islands. In: Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Rörig-Dalgaard, Inge; Larsen , Poul Klenz; Brajer, Isabelle; Bøllingtoft, Peder; Marciniak, Mette; Svane, Maja (Hrsg.): Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 249-256.