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Lewin.etal:1979a Lewin, S. Z.; Charola, A. E. (1979): X-ray powder diffraction investigation of the monumental stone of the Castel dell'Ovo, Naples, Italy. In: Advances in X-ray Analysis, 22 (), 169-80
Lewin.etal:1980 Lewin, S. Z.; Charola, A. E. (1980): Aspects of crystal growth and recrystallization mechanisms as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. In: Scanning Electron Microscopy, 1 (), 551-558
Lewin.etal:1981 Lewin, S. Z.; Charola, A. E. (1981): An HF-SEM technique for characterization of the weathering properties of building stones. I: granite. In: Jahari, O. (Hrsg.): Scanning electron microscopy/1981/I, SEM Inc., 555-561.