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Mangio.etal:1995 Mangio, Regina; Simpson, Martha; Tokarz, Marek (1995): The influence of sodium sulphate crystallisation on fresh and artifically weathered Salem limestone and Shelburne marble treated with silica sols. In: Pancella, Renato; Sadeghi, Soghara (Hrsg.): Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage: proceedings of the 1995 LCP Congress, Montreux, 24-29 September 1995, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 249-260.
Mangio.etal:1996 Mangio, Regina; Simpson, Martha; Tokarz, Marek (1996): The influence of sodium sulphate crystallisation on fresh and artificially weathered Salem limestone and Shelburne marble treated with silica sols. In: Pancella, Renato (Hrsg.): Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage: proceedings of the 1995 LCP Congress, Montreux, 24-29 September 1995, 161-174.