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Butlin.etal:1992 Butlin, R. N.; Coote, A. T.; Devenish, M.; Hughes, I. F. C.; Hutchens, C. M.; Irwin, J. G.; Lloyd, G. O.; Massey, S. W.; Webb, A. H.; Yates, T. J. S. (1992): A four-year study of stone decay in different pollution climates in the United Kingdom. In: Rodrigues, J. Delgado; Henriques, Fernando; Jeremias, F. Telmo (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Lisbon Portugal, 15-18 June 1992,Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil 345-53.
Massey:1999 Massey, S. W. (1999): The effects of ozone and NO(x) on the deterioration of calcareous stone. In: Science of the Total Environment, 227 (2), 109-121