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Mottershead:1982 Mottershead, D. N. (1982): Rapid weathering of greenschists by coastal salt spray, east Prawle, south Devon: a preliminary report. In: Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 5 (3), 347-353
Mottershead:1989 Mottershead, D. N. (1989): Rates and patterns of bedrock denudation by coastal salt spray weathering; a seven-year record. In: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 14 (5), 383-398
Mottershead:1994 Mottershead, D. N. (1994): Spatial Variations in Intensity of Alveolar Weathering of a Dated Sandstone Structure in a Coastal Environment, Weston-super-Mare, UK. In: Robinson, D. A.; Williams, R. B. G. (Hrsg.): Rock Weathering and Landform Evolution, John Wiley & Sons, 151-174.
Pye.etal:1995 Pye, K.; Mottershead, D. N. (1995): Honeycomb weathering of Carboniferous sandstone in a sea wall at Weston-super-Mare, UK. In: Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 28 (4), 333-347