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Spennemann.etal:1999 Spennemann, Dirk H. R.; Marcar, Nico (1999): Urban and heritage landscapes. Under the saline threat. In: Natural Resource Management, 2 (1), 14-17
Spennemann:1998 Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (1998): Urban Salinity and Cultural Heritage: Studying the impact of an anthropogenic disaster. In: Curtis, Allan; Wilson, Lynda (Hrsg.):,.
Spennemann:1998a Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (1998): "Is there a Problem.?" Urban Salinity and Heritage in the Murray-Darling Basin. In:: Conference Proceedings "Urban salinity, a snapshot of the future" Wagga Wagga, 11 and 12 August 1998,Australian Association of Natural Resource Management 153-163.
Spennemann:1998b Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (1998): Mitigating salt attack in our historic environment. In: Marcar, Nico (Hrsg.): Managing saltland into the 21st century (Tamworth 10-12 March 1998) Conference Papers [Preprints],CSIRO, Forestry and Forest Products, Canberra 13-18.
Spennemann:1999 Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (1999): Mitigation of salt damage to the historic built environment. In: Marcar, Nico E.; Hossain, A. K. M. Afzal (Hrsg.): Proceedings 5th national conference Tamworth, NSW, Australia, 9th to 13th March 1998. Canberra, 13-19.
Spennemann:2001 Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (2001): The creeping disaster: dryland and urban salinity and its impact on heritage. In: Cultural Resource Management, 24 (8), 22-25