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Theoulakis.etal:1997 Theoulakis, P.; Moropoulou, A. (1997): Microstructural and mechanical parameters determining the susceptibility of porous building stones to salt decay. In: Construction and Building Materials, 11 (1), 65-71
Theoulakis.etal:1997a Theoulakis, P.; Moropoulou, A. (1997): Porous Stone Decay by Salt Crystallization - The Case of The Building Material of The Medieval City of Rhodes. In: Moropoulou, A.; Zezza, F.; Kollias, E.; Papachristodoulou, I. (Hrsg.): 4th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean,Texniko Enimeahthpio 647-673.
Theoulakis.etal:1999 Theoulakis, P.; Moropoulou, A. (1999): Salt crystal growth as weathering mechanism of porous stone on historic masonry. In: Journal of Porous Materials, 6 (4), 345-358