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Literatur und Software


CRYSPOM VIII / 13-15 June 2023 in Ghent (Belgium)[Bearbeiten]

The Biannual International workshop Crystallization in Porous Media CRYSPOM focuses on fundamental research of crystallization in porous materials. It unites researchers from geoengineering, geology, physics, chemistry, mechanics and conservation interested in crystal nucleation, growth and transport in porous media and its related consequences.

The idea is to bring together leading researchers and Ph.D. students to provide for a constructive and open dialogue. Also, it seeks to incite collaborations between theorists, modelists and experimentalists on an international level.

CRYSPOM results from a long-standing tradition. The workshop was founded by Prof. Noushine Shahidzadeh in 2008 in Paris, and subsequently took place in Brienz (Switzerland, 2010), Troia (Portugal, 2012), Amsterdam (The Netherlands, 2014), Toulouse (France, 2016), Hamburg (Germany, 2018) and Pau (France 2021).

The registration and abstract submission for CRYSPOM VIII in Ghent (13th – 15th of June 2023) is NOW OPEN! Deadline for the early bird registration and abstract submission is February 13th 2023. Please go to to find all information regarding the conference and registering and to find the abstract template.

SWBSS ASIA 2023 on September 20-22, 2023 in Nara, Japan[Bearbeiten]

SWBSS is the conference series “Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures”, started in 2008. Its previous series were held in Copenhagen (2008), Limassol (2011), Brussel (2014), Potsdam (2017), and Delft (2021). The conference aims at bringing together conservators, restorers, engineers, architects, academics, students and experienced researchers and to contribute thereby to the promotion of research and development within the field of salt weathering of porous materials. An idea of SWBSS ASIA as the conference series to be held in Asian countries was proposed at Potsdam in 2017 and its first meeting, SWBSS ASIA 2023, was announced at Delft in 2021. SWBSS ASIA 2023 will be held at Nara, Japan, on September 20-22, 2023.

Taking into account the very recent world situation, the conference is currently planned to take place in person. However depending on COVID-19 situations, travelling and participation in person might be subjected to difficult restrictions again. In that case, hybrid form will be taken. Even then, you will be welcome to Nara, Japan; online participation is also possible. Please note that the same registration fees apply to in-person and online participation.

The deadline for abstract submission is December 31, 2022. Please submit abstracts as a .docx or .pdf file (please find attached the template for abstract). Abstracts should not exceed 500 words; a maximum of two figures is allowed; and 3 to 5 keywords should be reported. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to Please include the surname of the corresponding author in the name of the file (e.g. “SWBSS ASIA 2023_Surname.docx”) and in the subject of your e-mail (e.g. “SWBSS ASIA 2023 abstract - Surname”).

The conference will be held at Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Nara, Japan) on September 20 - 22, 2023. Registration will open in February, 2023, and specific information will follow.

For further information, please visit the conference website If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

SWBSS2021 in Delft[Bearbeiten]

SWBSS 2021 is the 5th edition of the conference series “Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures”, started in 2008. Previous editions were held in Copenhagen (2008), Limassol (2011), Brussel (2014) and Potsdam (2017).

SWBSS2021 was held at the Delft University of Technology (Delft, The Netherlands) on 22 - 24 September 2021.

You will find the conference proceedings [here].


Germinario, L., Oguchi, C.T. Gypsum, mirabilite, and thenardite efflorescences of tuff stone in the underground environment. Environ Earth Sci 81, 242 (2022). Link to PDF:

Godts, S., Steiger, M., Orr, S.A. et al. Charge balance calculations for mixed salt systems applied to a large dataset from the built environment. Sci Data 9, 324 (2022). Link to PDF:

Eggert, G., Fischer, A. (2021): The formation of formates: a review of metal formates on heritage objects. Herit Sci 9, 26 (2021).

Yunxia Shen, Kirsten Linnow and Michael Steiger (2020): Crystallization Behavior and Damage Potential of Na2SO4–NaCl Mixtures in Porous Building Materials: Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 9, 5974–5985,

Leyla-Cann Sögütoglu, Michael Steiger, Jelle Houben, Daan Biemans, Hartmut R. Fischer, Pim Donkers, Henk Huinink, and Olaf C. G. Adan(2019): Understanding the Hydration Process of Salts: The Impact of a Nucleation Barrier, Cryst. Growth Des., Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01908, Publication Date (Web): February 14, 2019,

Vazquez, P.; Thomachot-Schneider, C.; Mouhoubi, K.; Bodnar, J-L.; Avdelidis, N. P.; Charles, D.; Benavente, D. Sodium sulfate crystallisation monitoring using IR Thermography (2018): Infrared Physics & Technology Volume 89, March 2018, Pages 231-241,,

Sousa, Luis; Siegesmund, Siegfriedand Wedekind, Wanja (2018): Salt weathering in granitoids: an overview on the controlling factors. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77 (13), 502,

Lubelli, Barbara and Cnudde, Veerle and Diaz-Goncalves, Teresa and Franzoni, Elisa and van Hees, Rob P. J. and Ioannou, Ioannis and Menendez, Beatriz and Nunes, Cristiana and Siedel, Heiner and Stefanidou, Maria and Verges-Belmin, Veronique and Viles, Heather (2018): Towards a more effective and reliable salt crystallization test for porous building materials: state of the art. Materials and Structures, 51 (2), 55,

Yazan Abu Alhassan: The use of sodium ferrocyanide for the removal of salt from stone, exemplified for sandstones from Petra - Jordan, Dissertation, RWTH Universität Aachen, 2018, DOI:

Proceedings of SWBSS 2017: Fourth International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures. University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, 20-22 September 2017, edited by Steffen Laue

J.  Flatt,  Nevin  Aly  Mohameda,b,  Francesco  Carusoc,  Hannelore  Derluynd,  Julie  Desarnaude,  Barbara Lubellif, Rosa Maria Espinosa‐Marzalg, Leo Pelh, Carlos Rodriguez‐Navarroi, George W. Schererj,  Noushine Shahidzadehk, Michael Steigeer (2017): Predicting salt damage in practice: a theoretical insight into  laboratory tests. In: RILEM Technical Letters (2017) 2: 108‐118,DOI:

Roland Lenz:Systemoptimierte Salzminderungskompressen (Material-Wirkung), in: Retrospektive und Perspektive, Methoden und Techniken in der Wandmalereirestaurierung, Werkstattgespräch des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege im Literaturhaus München, 9. und 10. Mai 2016, Volk Verlag München 2017, S. 123-133.

Steffen Laue (ed.): Proceedings of SWBSS 2017. Fourth International Conference on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany, 20-22 September 2017, Verlag der Fachhochschule Potsdam,

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