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Autor Sawdy, A. and Price, C.
Jahr 2005
Titel Salt damage at Cleeve Abbey, England. Part II: seasonal variability of salt distribution and implications for sampling strategies
Bibtex @article { Sawdy.etal:2005b,

title = {Salt damage at Cleeve Abbey, England. Part II: seasonal variability of salt distribution and implications for sampling strategies}, journal = {Journal of Cultural Heritage}, year = {2005}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {361-367}, author = {Sawdy, A. and Price, C.} }

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Bemerkungen in: Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6 (4), 361-367

Eintrag in der Bibliographie

[Sawdy.etal:2005b]Sawdy, A.; Price, C. (2005): Salt damage at Cleeve Abbey, England. Part II: seasonal variability of salt distribution and implications for sampling strategies. In: Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6 (4), 361-367, WebadresseLink zu Google Scholar




Salts, Wall paintings, Stone, Sampling strategies, ANOVA